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New Year make-up.

Crack, baby crack: New Year make-up.

Monday, 2 January 2012

New Year make-up.

My partner (and I) was invited to a New Year party by our new neighbours. It was a sci-fi theme so he just had to go as Spock. I've never applied prosthetics before so this was going to be rather challenging.

First stop was to Screenface in Covent Garden for some ears, spirit gum and concealer. Next to Forbidden Planet for a comm badge and lastly to Uniqlo for a blue top.

Before pic.

Photo courtesy of CazP

Firstly, I painted the prosthetics with the concealer, waited for them to dry, then applied the spirit gum to his left ear and waited a few moments for it to go tacky. I stuck the fake ear over the real ear and moved it around to get the best fit. The gum takes a few minutes to dry so there's plenty of time for manipulation. Repeated this for the other ear.

I then went over the prosthetic and his ear with more concealer to blend them in and added a little shadow detail to make them look real. Well, as real as you can get prosthetic ears to look.

To get the eyebrows right, I measured from the tip of the nose to about halfway along each brow to get the perfect place to have the 'wing' brow that Spock has got. I blocked out the outer half of the brows with Pritt Stick, making sure there was plenty on to cover the hairs and removed the excess on the eyelid and forehead with some toner. Once this was dry, I covered the glue with yet more concealer and by god he looked so odd with only half eyebrows.

I took an angled brush and mixed up a match for the brows with an eyeshadow palette. I mixed a brown and black together. I drew a faint guideline on both brows to make sure they were even then swept upwards and out to create the Vulcan brow.

I then tidied under the eyes and blocked the lips a little with more concealer and dusted translucent powder all over the face and ears to set it all.

It's not too bad for my first time using prosthetics and for his first time of wearing make-up ever. I'll get better with more practice. It was a huge learning curve for me.

Products used:

Pritt Stick You can buy them anywhere.

Clinique Clarifying Lotion (Used to remove excess glue)

Sleek Storm Palette (Specifically, the matte brown and black at the top right of the picture)

Clinique Blended Face Powder in Invisible Blend on face.

Boots No7 Translucent Powder on ears.


Screenface Angle Brush (2nd from right)

Clinique Blusher Brush (Used as powder brush because it's far smaller and more directional for this type of work than a normal powder brush.)

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