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On giving up smoking.

Crack, baby crack: On giving up smoking.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

On giving up smoking.

I love cigarettes. I love the smell, the taste and the opening of a new packet. Until now.

After a friend disclosed that he has lung cancer and only being 3 years older than me, I decided to quit smoking on Saturday. It is one hell of a wake up call when that happens. I'm a 40 a day smoker of ready made cigarettes and roll ups when I can't afford to buy ready mades. Notice I'm talking in the present tense. That's because I will not consider myself as an ex-smoker when I can go a full day without just one cigarette or no longer need nicotine replacement.

Now, what has this got to do with make up and beauty? Lots of things. One, it makes your skin look very grey no matter how much exfoliant one uses. The skin around your lips and on your fingers become stained with nicotine and tar. Yes, a delightful yellowy brown colour. If you have platinum or grey hair, it gets stained the same horrible yellowy brown colour. That is just the cosmetic disadvantages of smoking.

Wrinkles around the mouth and eyes appear much faster than if you do not smoke. Basically, premature aging. To be honest, if instead of showing pictures of dead bodies and the man with the huge raggy moustache and tumour on his neck, they showed pictures of a mouth like a cat's arse and eye wrinkles the depth of the Grand Canyon, more people would give up. Phew, that must be the most grammatically awful sentence I've ever written.

We all know the dangers - we were shown photos of cancerous lungs when we were teenagers at school. Yet some of us started smoking after that because as teenagers, we are invincible. We think it'll never happen to us because we're different and besides, we can give up any time. Except we don't We think that smoking is cool and glamourous. And it is. It is until its too late and you're dying of cancer and emphysema. Many of our beauty icons are pictured smoking from Coco Chanel right up to Kate Moss. Davidoff, Dunhill, Sobranie and Vogue are all cool, glamourous brands of cigarettes. Its ironic that they exude glamour and wealth because by the time you're on the other side of 35, you're not glam and rich through smoking.

(Right - Coco Chanel and Salvadore Dali)

I think I look like this and always will look like this:

When in fact, I'm on the way to looking like this:

As awesome as Dot Cotton is, I don' think I want to look like her in ten years time if I carry on smoking. Neither do I want to die a nasty death. Anyway, with the price cigarettes are these days (between £6 and £8 per packet), we're just working to smoke instead of saving or having more awesome things. Yep, I want to keep on not smoking and have more money. It's better in my pocket than the Government's and tobacco firms pockets.

Do you smoke? Do you think about quitting?

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At 27 May 2012 at 06:46 , Blogger Lori said...

I quit smoking for two reasons:

1. I discovered my first wrinkle on my upper lip. It was barely there, but I hadn't used sunscreen and darkness for 15 years to have smoking be the cause of my looking like an alligator bag by the time I was 40.

2. When I said to my lovely spouse, "I'm going to quit smoking on October 15." and he snickered and said "Yeah, right."

It WAS ON from that moment and I got through the first three days on spite alone.

You can do this Ms. S. Wildethyme. I believe in you.

At 31 May 2012 at 11:27 , Blogger John Petter said...

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At 29 July 2012 at 22:41 , Blogger Syed Zeeshan Ali said...

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